
Founding Member


Kai Heusmann, Henning Bülter, Gregor Kuhlmann, Sandra Riedmayer, Katherina Gorodynska, Johanna Preukschat, Fabian Preuschoff, Basti Rhein, Clémence Viaud, Luis Neuenhofer, Philipp Skuza, Milan Knell, Zelal Celebi, David Morsi and many more...


The Niehler Freiheit is a cultural non-profit association and open space. The aim of the association is to jointly create, design and culturally utilise urban living space and use it for workshops, concerts or other things.

The Niehler Freiheit association is located in Cologne Bickendorf and creates a testing ground for culture, politics, exchange and solidarity on the almost 1100 m² site of a former car repair shop. In addition to various workshops, we also have space for various event formats, performances, theater, exhibitions and concerts. For us, it is important to create a space that is as participatory as possible, i.e. a space that everyone can help to shape.

More Information on: ︎︎︎www.niehlerfreiheit.de

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