
Hello, my name is Ludwig Jakob Lederer. I'm a designer, art worker and transdisciplinary artist.

Together with friends and collegues we initiated the arts and culture association Niehler Freiheit e.V. in 2017. Two years later, we realised the construction of the Mobile Dental Clinic which is used now in syria. During the covid-pandemic I was working remotely on the project Kulturgenerator, which was an online gallery based on solidarity to support local artists and initiatives in the pandemic time. In 2021 my bachelorproject Simulated Nature got choosen for the creative lab on structural change in Zeitz, nearby Leipzig. In the residency we worked together in a transdisciplinary team consisting of architects, engineers and artists with the natural material moss. Later on, in 2022 I decided to become a student again and professionalise on the work in transdisciplinary constellations. Together with the swiss Musician Hans-Jakob Mühlethaler I was producing the sustainable podcast Possible Futures in 2024 with support of the Sustainabilty in the Arts Office. In the same year, my master project KeinGarten got selected for the climate innovation fond by the city of stuttgart and the nature conservancy.

Currently im living in Paris, working in Stuttgart and studying in Zurich. I like to cycle, play tennis and explore new things and people around me.